Hello web-denizens (or simply put webizens),
I started this blog mainly to pour out all my game design ideas and finally flesh them out. If you're wondering why the name White Rabbit it is because of its connotation. "Follow the white rabbit" or "Down the rabbit hole" are usually terms used to explain going out from the norm into something much more extraordinary. I'm simply fed up with the cookie cutter games that are coming out and want to redesign old styles and create new original ideas.
Most blogs are painfully difficult to digest and hopefully this will not be the case for what you have somehow stumbled upon. I'll try to post relevant facts of today's game culture while posting Game Design challenges and any ideas I come up with. If you would like to participate , by all means go ahead! That's the whole point. I would love to have a discussion on game design topics that can go on for hours!
So go ahead, and follow the White Rabbit.
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